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1.00% Chance to get an SSR and I get the worst one (Also an essay about risk, mostly).

You know the standard procedure by now. I also expect no one to understand what the title means but this is my essay so I get to name it what I want. 648 words. Prompt: How much of a daredevil are you? There is a big difference between me in real life and the “me” in a video game. When it comes to real life, I take almost no risks. If there's a chance that failure can impact my current status, even if the change is only moderate, I won’t take the risk. If the risk is high enough, I will be paralyzed into inaction, and will usually be like that until I end up missing the opportunity or the risk goes down. I believe that if there's a chance for a large failure, I will almost never take that risk. I don’t exactly like to put myself in bad situations, which is probably why I’ve never broken a bone. I’m also quite cautious around food, since I have a severe tree nut allergy. If something has even “may contain” on the nutrition facts, I treat it as an absolute certainty unless I ...

2 weeks until finals

Prompt: How real are you on social media? Uh, in-game chat counts as social media, right? I’m getting ahead of myself. For the remainder of this essay, I’m going to assume that “Social Media” is anything that you can use to converse with other people other than email (because people who converse with others using only email need to invest in at least a flip-phone). I’m including in-game chats, because that’s usually how I communicate with friends. Most non-game social media that I use is with real life friends, such as texting or chat room applications like Discord. Actually, only texting and Discord. I’ve never really been a fan of apps like Instagram and Snapchat that are picture based. Also Discord is just better Skype, for those who do not know what Discord is. But I’m getting off track. I’m very real when it comes to the limited social media I use. After all, I’m either chatting with friends who know me in real life, or ones I met through games that I trust. Let me get one thing s...

So I was going to post the prompt about robots but that one was weird so I decided to use the hand prompt.

So standard stuff, again. And I was intentionally vague with the names and concepts of the stories I mention because I realize that no one would bother to remember/understand anything about any of the stories. Prompt: I write with my hands So this is the essay where I explain my free-writing. I forget when exactly I started thinking up stories. It was definitely a very long time ago, with my oldest memories being around second or third grade. I had an imaginary world where there was a stand-in character for myself, and imaginary friends I would play with outside. I do have a faint memory of doing this somewhere in colorado when I was on a trip with my family, but I don’t remember much about what I was doing. Eventually I started to actually begin to think up my first actual story with a plot. It was terrible. The characters were unrealistic and one-dimensional. There was almost zero plot structure. There were too many specifics and too many vague descriptions where they didn’t...